Join us at Pride Oregon City this weekend from 12-5PM.
Check out the website link and join us for a great event. We will be sharing farm products at the event. Hope you will stop by!
Many thanks to our U Pick customers this season. It has been so special to see our returning customers and farm family friends, along with a few new faces. Our blueberry season is complete!
Lavender harvest has been completed for our distillation into essential oil. Our fields are trimmed and ready for winter. We will still have dried lavender available for purchase.
We hope you will continue to support our farm knowing that we are doing business as usual, offering yummy produce and natural products.
This will be our last season for yacon sales so we will be selling off our plant stock and crowns during the Pride Event and additional crowns after the fall harvest. This is it, so come and get your plants to include in your summer gardens.
We continue to offer yacon tea, yacon syrup and plant products so you can grow your own special yacon garden. Check out our website for more information on the benefits of this plant. Our yacon tubers will be processed after harvest in the fall, and crowns will be available at that time. We will have a limited supply of yacon syrup which is available until our annual supply is exhausted.
As always, we thank you for your support and so look forward to sharing the farm each summer season. We are here to answer any questions about the farm and offer some great local shopping. Check out our website for a complete listing of lavender and yacon products.
Thanks again everyone and have a great fall! Until next year!
Blessings to you and yours, Ted, and Lauren